The Spuria Iris Society is a Section of The American Iris Society (AIS). All AIS members are encouraged to join whether or not they are spuria growers.
The "Spuria News" bulletin, an official publication of the Spuria Iris Society is printed twice a year. The bulletin is free to members, and it contains articles of interest about spuria iris; i.e., special iris awards, hybridizer awards, youth awards, spuria conventions, growing tips, and much more. Thank you for supporting our society by becoming a member. Please use the Paypal section below, where you can pay via a credit card or Paypal (you do not need a Paypal account):
Or, if you prefer, please write on a paper:
Rates are:
Regular Annual ($12)
Regular Triennial ($30)
Overseas Annual ($15)
Overseas Triennial ($40)
Emember Annual ($6)
Emember Triennial ($15)
Then please mail along with your dues
to our Membership Chair:
Cheryl Deaton
27218 Walnut Springs
Canyon Country, CA 91351